Monday, May 21, 2007

A Little Catfishing

I am still here, just have been busy and trying to get some other crap done is all. It has rained here a bunch and they are calling it the Flood of 2007. Yeah it has been great. Not really. We have, as most of you know, five acres to mow and it has been a real bitch trying to get it all mowed and keeping it mowed. Keeping it mowed right now has been a real bitch also.

I have our latest Koi pond almost done it is about 99 % done finally. Have a few more rocks to get in place and a bigger pump probably too. But we have a couple of fish in it and they have not died yet so I guess the water is fine for them. Kitty is the resident expert on fish ponds I just build them and help her to enjoy them and work on them, what little that we have to do to them to keep the water clear and stuff you know.

I took boy wonder and a friend of his and my lovely Kitty to the River to do some catfishing. I took them where my grandfather use to take me as a little lad and I have not been there fishing since he passed. I thought I might get a little emotional, but I was a big boy and kept it all in check. My wonderful Kitty helped to take care fo the boys so I could do some fishing myself. She did not really get to do anything but add more bait to boys poles. I did alot of that also and taking fish of hooks and onto stringer.

I know that granda was there though. How do I know you ask. Well here is the proof. I have not been there for ever and we was in a spot where normally there would not be any catfish. It was a little hole in between two ripples on the river. I get the two boys poles set up and baited and in the water they go. I helped Kitty get hers done and then mine and just as he would have wanted.....Boy wonder caught the first fish. I got running to the truck to get the stringer and on way back I had to stop and look to the heavens to say, "thanks grandpa." When I get back I get the fish off hook and onto stringer and into the river. While I am getting his pole ready my pole heads for the water, litterally to the water. I drop one pole and grab mine and missed him. Damn it. Boy wonder catches another one and I start to think I am somehow being punished for not bringing him any sooner. Then I guess he decides, I needed to catch one also.

So we caught a whapping three catfish. All three was pan size fish. He is, I know smiling big and still trying to get God into the river, for a little catfishing.


Kitty said...

I really hope this was a milestone in your healing.

I love you.

The Teacher said...

That is beautiful!

And where is the "one that got away" story? LOL

Kitty's Tiger said...

Kitty: I think that I actully needed to do that. Maybe I should have done it a long time ago.

I Love you too babe

Teacher: Yeah he was pretty damn neat for sure. Oh you mean the story. The one that got away. They don't get away from me honey.



Unknown said...

very sweet tiger. nice to know he is looking down on you. thanks for sharing. :)