Monday, February 26, 2007

stressed UPDATE

Well this bitching thing must work. I went from basically not having a job this, I now have one for sure and a final interview tomorrow. Then this one dickhead that I have been talking to, for over a year and a half, decides to call me this evening at 7:30 pm central time. All of a sudden he is interested. Ahhh it is good to be wanted. So I guess now I have to stress over which job to take. I think I like this kind of stress better. So no more whining and back to the stories and hnt's and Titty Tuesday's and CBW's.

All together now Let Loose a Little....


Kitty said...

See what did I tell you. Unofficially laid off this am, to tonite you have at least three job offers, wonder what tomorow will bring?

Be patient. Something big is in store for you, I can feel it.

Cherrie said...

Taking a look at Tiger's February 21 entry, I think something big is in store for you too, Kitty!

Congratulations, Tiger. Isn't the world of work weird?

Elaine Denning said...

Oh, well done you!!

The Teacher said...

Come on now! You always should know that I want you. Want a job as a sex slave? Willing to relocate? 401K and benefits. LOL


kisses and hugs in the sexiest way possible.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Kitty: Hell I don't know as many apps from Mnster who knows I guess. Remember you are an alternate number gorgeous. I love you.

Cherrie: Why thank you my lady. Hey by the way teacher wanted a group hug with some touching don't suppose you would like to join Kitty and I and teacher for the hug would you?

Miss U: Miss you thanks kiddo. Yeah I have never had a problem getting a new job. I don't know why I let it get me so freakin stressed.

Teahcer: Sex slave???? Now you know. With the biker there and all the sex you have there will be no time for me. I would tied up in basement forever and never get any action. Remember you have to sleep sweetie.

Don't take this the wrong way but I have a little lost sex to make up with Kitty by the way.

XOXOXO right back at ya babe.

The Teacher said...

Cannot blame a girl from trying. *blushing*

Kitty said...

Things will get better.