Saturday, February 3, 2007

Cold and Even Colder

I love winter mainly for the seasons. I only have one bitch this year. I have had ice on my ground for about 3 weeks now. Is this shit ever going to leave. I Love snow and the Little bit of ice we got was not big deal either Just slow down and take your time. But the shit has not melted and no friggin' sign of melting all this week, highes only to be in the 20's. Sweet mother of Jesus. With all the animals outside to take care of it is every night breaking ice and filling them all up again. I am starting to bitch aren't I. Ok I will stop.

Well I have a double batch of salsa made, and two bags of chips, bring on the game baby. As we all know by now, I would love to see Peyton win the big one. Either way the commercials will rock I am sure. Besides a few cold beers and hot salsa, has to be good.

Well night night all and have a great super Sunday. If you don't' drink I will have one for you. Do not want you to start now if you don't. Let me take the bullet for you. LOL


The Teacher said...

I know that you live in "Rural America," but where the fuck do you live? A farm? Why so many animals outside? ;)

From what I remember, if the ice on the ground melts, it then freezes again and ooops more ice. At least that is the way it was when I was growing up in PA. Do you really want that LOL

You will have to cheer extra loudly for us since we will be on a plane during the game. We have Tivo-ed the game but I can imagine that we will not get to watch it before knowing the outcome. (Blinders and all)

Have some beer for my husband (Hiney or SA, please) and I have to ask. You are only going to have salsa and chips for the game? Where are the wings, and maybe a nice buffalo burger? Tell Kitty to feed you better LOL!

Kitty's Tiger said...

Teacher: South of KC Missouri. About 30 -40 miles. Yeah it has tried to melt then keeps freezing. Hence the comment this is starting to get old. We usually can get rid of all this in a few days around here but this year it is hanging around.

Five acres, not really a farm. Well I guess a pet farm. LOL Lots of chickens, cats, dogs, kids, grandkids, wife, hubby. Lots of us here. We just moved here about 2 years agao. Kitty wanted a bigger house and you know, you ladies always get what you want so here we are. We left a 1000 sq. foot home to a 4000 sq foot home. It is bigger and a hell of alot more grass to mow.

Oh I will drink a couple for him, Yeah kitty is makiing my favorite football food/ taco meat for tacos burritos taco salad. And chiips and my dip...

Anonymous said...

Well I was thinking salsa & chips would not be a lot to soak up all that beer but then I started thinking maybe that was the point.

We got snow sometime between 1 am and 7 am. We had no clue it was coming. Those weather guys are clueless.

Hope you melt out of there before summertime. Do you have a balaclava? Those really help to cut the wind out in the cold.

Kitty said...

Excuse me, if my memory serves me right you were the one bitching for several years about a bigger house before I gave in. I can't help it if there was no middle ground between 1,000 and 4,000 sq feet that I LOVED. And besides everything in between that we looked at (15-20 houses, and a few fights) was priced higher than my grand palace! Who cares if it has more rooms than we know what to do with! One of these days they will come in handy and I love decorating.

As far as the 5 acres of grass to mow...roflmao. It doesnt have to be mowed twice a week silly. That's your excuse for being able to sit on your butt, drink beer and look busy! But you do look good on your tractor wearing your mowing hat, in shorts, and no shirt. ewwww lala! Just the thought makes me wet.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Flat: Kitty is going to make some goodies, besides the salsa. Wow I am really getting my balls busted her for the salsa comment. And for the balaclava???? what the hell is that. I guss maybe I should introduce myself here. Hi I am Kittys Tiger, About as redneck as they come. Beer tractors and did I mention beer. Oh yea and salsa.

Kitty: Now yes I wanted a Bigger house. (Ok to those who do not believe the redneck thing) All that was important to me was a 2 car garage. And I have to make your yard around your palace look good, don't I. (side note: I love my tractor)

Elaine Denning said...

Jesus Christ. We have villages here smaller than that! You're very lucky. It looks amazing.