Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A sad Good bye

Well as most of you know by now the Biker and The Teacher has hung the blogging up. If we are all lucky it will be only for a short time. I do understand that some lives have gotten really busy and like everything she/they do, it has to be done to the fullest. I would rather have them only once a week than none at all.

I do However understand. I will miss them. We have became quite good friends in bloggerville. The little I have gotten to know them I feel as though we have all been friends forever. Now my friends are gone. Well here in bloggerville anyway. Yes they will be missed a great deal, not by just me but by over 500,000 people that have visited them since they started. They always have a great read from their stories and their tells of their relationship. Oh and not to mention the pics.

So I merely have to say to you Biker and Teacher, I still love you and I will miss you a great deal. I will however stay in touch, from time to time. I want to wish you two well in your new adventures. Try to make sure you both take the time to catch your breath and just relax. I know I should take my own medicine, quit busting my balls teacher. Biker you take care of yourself and our little teacher. A beer held high for you my friend and a little kiss on the cheek for you Teacher.

You will be missed terribly.

I have been tagged, it is below..


Anonypus said...

It's so sad to let people go :(

Unknown said...

Wonderful toast Tiger...they will definitely be missed in bloggerville. xo

TeacherinHeels said...

I need a hug.

Cherrie said...

I'm always sad to see a blogger shut down, although I know how challenging it is to keep one going.

Biker and Teacher provided lots of sexy entertainment and hot photos, and they were faithful visitors too.

But we still have each other.

Come here, Heels. We may not be in Palm Springs, but I still want to hug you.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Lil-Lolita: Yeah it is and the ones that have become friends is even worse.

Dark: hugs right back at you and little kiss too

Heels: Well come here honey I will hug you. Just remember I grope while hugging. You might sexually rubbed and stuff you know..

Cherrie: Yes they did lots of great storie and the pics of teacher, pretty damn nice indeed.