Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hi All

Well this is going to be a late HNT and a early Foto Friday. I hope this is allright with you all. I have a question by the way.

I have around 75 to 100 people everyday that visit and yet, there are not nearly as many comments. What the hell. I don't bite, well not in anyway you won't like anyway. SO those of you stopping by say hello, hell you might make a couple of new friends. Read the title, "Let Loose a Little", so come on in and have a little fun will ya. We certainly are, might as well join us.

HNT here you go....

Foto Friday....My Son sent this to me I think maybe Kitty sent it to him not sure, I however think this is funny. Now this explains how my truck is always being shit upon.

So there you go, now go have a great weekend.

Hugs to all.


Kitty said...

dammit tiger, how can i lick when im roflmao!

TeacherinHeels said...

You are killing me Tiger ..... I have an increasing urge to lick, suck, kiss .... YUM!

Elaine Denning said...

It's exactly the same with advertising...only about 1% of people will respond to an ad or a flyer they see. That's just the way it is Tiger!

The Teacher said...

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, I always comment, sometimes more than once.

Have I told you lately how very sexy you are? If I have not, I apologize for the oversight and for neglecting you and your deliciously manly body!


So turned on now.


The Teacher said...

And still turned on....

Kitty's Tiger said...

Kitty: while your laughing with your mouth open......Oh hell never mind just keep laughing we'll take care of the licking later.

Heels: How many times do I have to tell you to bring it baby just bring it.......

Miss U: welcome back kiddo, I know well at least they keep cumming.

Teacher: Honey I know your always going to comment, and I would surely miss it if you didn't BTW. I don't think you have today.....well until now anyway.

I hope you guys have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

definitely lickable tiger....

i like the pooping on people....very cute....and now everything makes explains how my car in a lot of 100 is the only one to get pooped on....go figure.


Cherrie said...

OK, what is the pigeon going to read next? "Dive Bombing for Dummies"?

Just keep him away from your cock!

And TinH--when I read your comment, at first I thought you were writing about the pigeon!

Kitty's Tiger said...

Dark: I understand about the pooping on your vehichle. I can park where there are no trees at all, the damn things just fly over my truck and shit on it.

Cherrie: No birdie on this cock only a kitty....well like the movie I guess a cherry pie might work. you know american pie...ha ha ha