Sunday, June 10, 2007

Another Year Gone

Well this is the time of year when I get one year older. Wait a minute this is not to beg or see how many people I can get to tell me Happy Birthday, so with that being said. I get to stop and reflect on a few things in the past year and try to decide or make goals on where I want to be and do this time next year. So bear with me while I think out loud.

The last year I have not always made things very easy for Kitty. This is something I regret. I regret this in a big way. This woman has never done anything but give me her unconditional love, love like alot of people only dream about. At times I have taken that for granted and thought of bailing out. WTF was I thinking about. This woman is the most important thing to me in my life and will be forever. So in the next year I will be trying to make her much more happy in all aspects of her life.

At times I have not been a really awesome dad. Like to tired to go out and play catch, game cube, playstation 1 or II. Gameboy, fishing. (I know what your thinking this child is spoiled all the little extras he has. Yes all my kids are spoiled. His own satellite to watch whatever he wants, dvd, you get the picture.) So in the next year I want to and will take more time for the boy.

There are also certain things that I want to do. Take more time off for just me and Kitty, and Kitty, boy wonder and, I. Like last year we all went away to the lake for 4 days. That was awesome. No phones, no bills, no work, no...well you get the picture. It was wonderful. I think we need to try to make more time at least once a year to get away and forget the everyday life. Recharge ourselves and live, laugh and love.

WOW at the ripe young age of 4? I guess now is the time. I want to also say thank you to all of you who have been here for all the erotic stories pics and friend ship. All the nice comments left and fun we have all had. As the title says let loose a little.

Bye for now see you hopefully tomorrow..No wait I get the day off from writing tomorrow. It is my day to take it off.....


Cherrie said...

Happy Birthday, Tiger! There. I said it. And I hope it was, too.

You seem to have a wonderful family, and spending more time with them, individually and together, is a worthy goal for the coming year.

We'll be checking in to see how you do . . .

The Teacher said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Tiger, honey
Happy birthday to you

*all sung in my best, sexiest, Monroe-esque voice*

Check my
birthday wish
to you.

The Biker said...

Happy Birthday, Tiger!!!!!

I hope your next year is filled with love, sex, adventure!

Toasting you with the finestest Stella! Cheers!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Tiger. Hope you had a great day and an even greater year to come filled with lots of fun! xoxo

Kitty said...

Happy Birthday Baby.
I love you.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Cherrie: Actually my dear I have a great family. I could not have been graced any more than I have been. More time awya that is going to happen and I hope really soon.

Teacher: Teacher, teacher , teacher my dear. Monroe esque ... how bout just your voice my dear.

Thank you sweetie.

Biker: thank you friend...Toasting right back buddy. I only have a cold beer though.

Dark: Thank you dear...The year will be great I can almost bet on that..

Kitty: I love you too baby. thank you.