Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day

Well today is Fathers Day. I am not sure how many fathers I have to this little blog, but if by chance any daddys come by here

Happy Fathers Day to you all.

So what am I doing on Fathers Day, I am going to steal the list idea from Biker and Teahcher

1. Finish mowing

2. Plant rest of trees

3. Weed eating

4. Transplanting more trees(from garden)

5. Sex

6. Drink Beer

7. clean out old Brooder house

8. Fill up old brooder house with weed eaters, mowers, shovels, rakes, ect.

9. Drink more beer

10. Shower Then go to bed (LOL)

So the sex part is done I only have 9 more to do and it is a whopping 7:30 am I should have time to finish...

Have a great day all and see you all back here soon.


Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day...hope you enjoy your day having sex n schtuff.

The Biker said...

I'll take #5, #6, #9 but only 6 and 9 with you, buddy! LOL

Happy Father's Day!

The Teacher said...

You can do 6 and 9 with The Biker, but I want you for #1 (if I can sit on your lap), #10 (if I can wash you and soothe your sore muscles) and especially for #5 !!!!!

Happy (sexy) Father's Day! is the picture you wanted without the balloon.

The Teacher said...

Damn. Sorry, I forgot to post the link. Here it is.

The Teacher said...

How many times did you click there before you figured out that I am just teasing you? ;)

I guess you need to wait until next year.

The Biker said...

For god sakes, baby. Leave the man alone.

Sorry about that. I just can't control her, you know.

Kitty said...

Happy Fathers Day Baby! You're the greatest Father a woman could have for her children! I love you.

Kitty said...


#1 is 95% done, with me having done 90% of it for Tiger... sorry teacher, no lap rides with tiger today!

#2 incomplete as of yet

#3 He has 95% of it done....and did it himself.

#4 incomplete as of yet

#5 I also took care of this for him FIRST THING this am, once again sorry Teacher.

#6 Several down, a few more to go!

#7 This I also completed for him.

Do you get the picture here people? This was not a list of things HE WAS GOING to do, But a KITTY TO DO LIST! ;)

#8 Most of this has been accomplished.

#9 DAMN I'm tired and hot, I think I might have to down one for him here too.

#10 SORRY TEACHER, noone, not even me, is allowed in the shower with him...his rules not mine! Although I do get called to wash his back for him once in a great while. Then I will be sure his bed is ready for him, tuck him in, kiss him goodnite, tell him what a wonderful man he is and how much I love him....after setting his alarm for him!

Ok, lets reflect upon EXACTLY what on this list HE accomplished, shall we? >LOL<

Oh Yeah, you forgot to put on your list #11.

#11 Watch Larry The Cable Guys' new dvd 'Morning Constitution' with oldest son and his friend, while drinking your beer, laughing your ass off! progress now.

The Teacher said...

That's alright Kitty, you and I will ride the mower together and the hell with Tiger we can bathe together too. The Biker is more than willing to join us in the shower.

Too bad Tiger! You missed it!

Kitty's Tiger said...

ok now if you all are done busting my balls here is what happened. First off I did weed eat the dog run around a few trees and your flower garden Kitty. You cleaned out the brooder house, I made the ramp, loaded with our stuff, I only got one more tree planted cause we went to take boy wonder to meet grandparents for the week, then to wal mart then to your dads house to see dad. I started the sex thank you. I did drink beer, then I drank more beer with oldest boy(had to stop then also. I then cooked your lunch, (wait that was not on list never mind). Oh yeah I then finished mowing, Oh yeah while trying to plant trees I had to stop and kill a second snake for who my little kitty.

Oh yeah then I also moved your first hen house to the back forty, (wait that was not on list either) Shit I did to many things not on list instead of the list.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Flat: thanks I am glad your not busting my balls also.

Biker: come on up buddy, I think I drank all of them but I can get more

Teacher: Can we just skip the first one and concentrate on some of the other ones. Oh no wait a minute your one of them busting my balls here Never mind LOL

Biker: I know how you feel Kitty is uncontrollable also...

Kitty: Thank you my love.

Now to the rest of your comments...Read my pryor comment..

Teacher: No shower, did I mention we have a hot tub next to shower...

Kitty's Tiger said...

WAIT A MINUTE I HAVE AN ADDENDUM TO THE PRYOR LIST......KITTY AND I QUOTE"WE NEED TO WEED EAT AROUND THE POND ALSO" This was not on my list this was on her list not mine. I also weed eated around the garden. this was not on my list either but it was done. I finally got to come in the evening when it finally got to damn dark to plant trees, wait that was on my was fathers day why was I cooking. Hell I could have been transplanting trees. Why was I cooking breakfast for you two, hell I could have been planting trees again.

What did dad got hosed........and not in a good sexual way either....

Even though you ladies have had fun busting my balls, I still love you.

Kitty said...

Let me see if I can muttle through all the whining here and respond to the issues.

Baby I never said you had done nothing all day, where did you get that impression? I said your list was not things you was doing.

Yes you did weed eat the dog run, a few trees, AND MY FLOWER GARDEN? OMG! I'm afraid to go look. Or did you mean AROUND my flower garden? lol

Yes I did state we needed to clean around the pond, you did get about 10 feet inside the gate done until you seen the snake and ran to the house! roflmao I love you.

Yes you did cook my breakfast and lunch, (after I prepared everything to go on the grill) I thought that was what Father's Day meant. I cook all the other days of the year and Father's Day is your day to cook ALL DAY!

Yes you did come to my rescue and kill a snake trying to beat me into my chicken coop. Thank you I appreciated it.

You did finish mowing......the yard. Now there's still about 2 hours of mowing to do in the field of clover. I thought I said you had done this, read my update #1.

The first hen house is moved...and you're right it wasnt on your list...that was the whole point to my prior comment. You did a bunch of stuff not on your list, and your list was stuff I do.

roflmao I'M SORRY YOU FEEL YOU GOT HOSED! Next Father's Day I'll leave all the 6 hours of mowing for you to do by yourself.

Unknown said...

happy father's day tiger.....i noticed you only had sex on their