Thursday, January 4, 2007


Well One of my favorite days of the week. I get to browse around an look at all the Half Nekkid Thrsday Pics....

You can almost tell what shirt I have on.. Let me give you a hint.



Kitty said...

Well hello there! Just what I needed to get me happy today!

Anonymous said...


mmm...thank you for directing me over here!!


Kitty's Tiger said...

Kitty the pic is not what makes you happy what is in the pic in you is what makes you happy.LOL

Rae: thanks for cuming by. Damn it I meant coming by. Please cum back soon... damn it come back. I hate it when it does that.LOL And come back often like every day ..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

god thats a handful. Lucky Kitty!

Julie said...

oh my.... that's a beautiful cock.

Kitty said...

Yes I'm lucky in more ways than one, but this does top the list! I do believe it's the MOST beautiful cock of all!

Desireous said...

Oh Crap!!! I should have come over here sooner!!! That sucker's gorgeous!


Cherrie said...

This reminds me of a blog story I read back in 2005 when I was just a lurker. A dominant guy invited his sub girlfriend over to watch the big football game. He tied her up in the doggy position in front of the TV and spent the next three hours fucking her while cheering wildly for his team!

Uh oh, Kitty! I think I just gave him an idea!

Kitty said...

Heres to hoping boy wonder makes plans to spend the night at a friends tomorow! Game times is 3:30pm.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Wow you girls are giving me a complex.

Fisrt to cherrie: That is one hell of an idea..thank you dear.

Flat: keep cheering we will need all the help we can get with Peyton

Rae: I love it when she has a handfull of it

Bad: Thank you dear CUM back soon. many more HNT to cum.

Desiruous: I hope you cum back sooner and often dear thank you for the compliment

Miss U: Was that a compliment or was you just praying for help. LOL

Kitty I love you but you know when football is on, I get a little preoccupied. But there is before and after the game you now. A good luck fuck, and hopefully a congrats fuck too..

thanks again ladies cum back soon and often. remember comments have ben changed to cock strokes I need more than 10 strokes to get me off. ha ha ha.. Paige is back with a threesome I am working on....

RobynB said...

Just stopping by to say hello!

Happy belated HNT :)

Kitty said...

yeah yeah I hear you. See what I mean Cherrie? So what's with the idea?

Nurse BigDare said...

Not my sort of bag, but you definately giving me the courage to post up my penis man.

Happy Late HNT!

PS. Skittles says she likes it.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Robyn: thanks for stopping by hun. cum back often..

Kitty: Yeah Yeah I hear you too Kitty......

mr. Big: thanks or stopping by. Tell skittle thank you and both of you come back soon and read the stories....