Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Meet the Monster

Ok so I have been talking about the monster at work and how much I enjoy it. Riding it up on its tail and all that stuff. So I decided to take a couple fo pics with phone today to let you all see what I do all day.

Here she is from the back

Here she is from the front.

Remember I am 6' tall, notice the tires are past my shoulders.

Here I am standing in the bucket. This is why it gets top heavy when full of mulch, and I get accused of flirting with the undertaker. Excuse the blob in the middle of pic, I could not edit that one out and still have the same affect.

Sorry ladies for boring you this am, but You know how us guys are and our toys. This is a huge friggin tonka toy huh. Admit it guys wall wanted to do this when we was little right? Go ahead and admit it, you know you wanted to.


Kitty said...

Everytime you talk about it do you have to remind me how you have it up on the tail and flirt with the fucking undertaker?

I'm serious tiger! KNOCK IT OFF.

and quit calling this thing SHE, or you will be SLEEPING with SHE for the next few nights. You pegged the name right in your title....MONSTER.


The Teacher said...

I was not bored as much as just disappointed. I was still looking for you lying naked in the bucket.

Have I told you that I love that facial hair? Purrrring over you and not the MONSTER ;)

The Biker said...

She's a beauty!

I know my wife would love to drive that with you. She's a push over for men with big vehicles ;)

Kitty's Tiger said...

Kitty: I sorry,but you have admit she, ooopppsss, it is a beauty huh.

Teacher: I sorry, about the nekkid in the bucet part. We are really busy right now and way to many drivrs in and out for me to unload and load sorry.

Ok the cbw will be here later. Chill and have another COCK-tail.

Biker: I knew someone would like it. Hey have you and teacher burned you bums yet.

Cherrie said...

I read your post, and as I flipped to the comments I found Kitty had already covered what I had to say.

Yes, it's a great, big, honking toy! But it will never play with you! Kitty will--as long as you treat her right!

The Biker said...

Did you mean turn into bums (beach that is) or turn our asses so they don't get burned ;-)