Thursday, March 15, 2007

HNT .....NOT

Sorry to all if any was expecting a CBW or a HNT. I have been really busy at work and by the time I get home it is just nice to sit and chat with Kitty and the boy. I will get back inot the swing of things shortly though. So I leave you with this

Thanks to all who have visited this little blog thingy and for all the wonderful comments. I will be back again soon in full swing ready to get it.


Kitty said...

I'm sorry you are having to work such long hours, but I have enjoyed talking to you in the evenings about your new job.

I love you.
Your toots

The Teacher said...

You Tease. I thought the picture just did not upload correctly so I refreshed and refreshed and refreshed last night. And then again this morning, I finally got the joke. Ha Ha. Now where are the damn pictures! ;) so I can puuuuurrrr?

Love you!

toots? private joke? care to let me in on it? LOL

Kitty said...

teacher nope, just my nickname. nothing other than that.

Anonymous said...

take your time tiger...i know how things get crazy with new jobs.

Kitty's Tiger said...

Kitty: I love you too my toots. I will get use to it shortly, but you know that.

Teacher: qestion???? know how to keep a teacher insuspense....ha ha ha..I will get some new pics up for next week. At least I kept your attention for awhile.

Right back at ya sweetie.

Dark Pixie: Yeah I have just been really tired is all, but my old tired body is starting to get used to the shock. ha ha ha Thanks for coming by though. Check back soon.

Cherrie said...

Hang in there, Tiger. We're waiting for you to come back to Blogland when you can.

kindabiz said...

eagerly awaiting u !